- Driver Parallel Lines Wii
- Driver Parallel Lines Game Cheats Download
- Driver Parallel Lines Vehicles
- Driver Parallel Lines Game Cheats Codes
- Driver Parallel Lines Cheat Codes
- Driver Parallel Lines Pc Cheats
Driver: Parallel Lines v1.0 MULTI5 Fixed EXE; Game Trainers & Unlockers: Driver: Parallel Lines SAVEGAME 100% Driver: Parallel Lines SAVEGAME 80% Driver: Parallel Lines v1.0 +8 TRAINER; Driver: Parallel Lines v1.0 +9 TRAINER; Driver: Parallel Lines NO INTRO FIX #2; Driver: Parallel Lines CHEAT CODES #2; Driver: Parallel Lines v1.0 +3 TRAINER. Driver: Parallel Lines Cheats A time-hopping crime game that aims to outdo Grand Theft Auto by ramping up the high-speed stunt-driving action. Home»Cheats»Super Nintendo»Driver: Parallel Lines»Driver: Parallel Lines. Successfully complete the game.
Cheat Mode
Pause game play, then select the 'Settings' option. Then, select the 'Cheats' option and enter one of the following codes to unlock the corresponding cheat option, which can then be toggled on or off.
Free Garage
Enter TOOLEDUP as a code.
Weak Cop Cars
Enter KEYSTONE as a code.
Infinite Nitro
Enter ZOOMZOOM as a code.
All Weapons In Era
Enter GUNRANGE as a code.
Infinite Ammo
Enter GUNBELT as a code.
Enter IRONMAN as a code.
Indestructible Cars
Enter ROLLBAR as a code.
All Vehicles
Enter CARSHOW as a code.
Body Snatcher Mode
Reach 666 miles on your odometer. Melee attack a pedestrian or policeman to play as him or her.
Far Out Mode
Reach 900 miles on your odometer. This mode enables a psychedelic effect.
Night Night Mode
Reach 700 miles on your odometer. This mode makes it night always.
Shortest Day Mode
Reach 800 miles on your odometer. This mode makes a day last only 24 seconds.
Then & Now Change Option
Successfully complete the game.
Atlus Racer
Successfully complete the game.
Negotiator Vehicle
Successfully complete the game.
Ram Raider
Successfully complete the game.
Free Garage
Reach a total of $99,999.
Free Vehicle Upgrades
Collect 50 Star tokens in the 1978 Era or 2006 Era.
Double V-edit Car Durability
Collect 40 Star tokens in the 1978 Era or 2006 Era.

Double Ammo Capacity
Collect 30 Star tokens in the 1978 Era or 2006 Era.
Double Nitro
Collect 20 Star tokens in the 1978 Era or 2006 Era.
+50 Health
Collect 10 Star tokens in the 1978 Era or 2006 Era.
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Age Of Empires 2: The Age Of Kings Cheat, Cheats, Code and Codes, Age Of Empires 2: The Age Of Kings Cheat, Cheats, Code and Codes
Cheat Mode
Pause game play, then select the 'Settings' option. Then, select the 'Cheats' option and enter one of the following codes to unlock the corresponding cheat option, which can then be toggled on or off.
Free Garage
Enter TOOLEDUP as a code.
Weak Cop Cars
Driver Parallel Lines Wii
Enter KEYSTONE as a code.
Infinite Nitro
Enter ZOOMZOOM as a code.
All Weapons In Era
Enter GUNRANGE as a code.
Infinite Ammo
Enter GUNBELT as a code.
Enter IRONMAN as a code.
Indestructible Cars
Enter ROLLBAR as a code.
All Vehicles
Enter CARSHOW as a code.
Body Snatcher Mode
Reach 666 miles on your odometer. Melee attack a pedestrian or policeman to play as him or her.
Far Out Mode
Reach 900 miles on your odometer. This mode enables a psychedelic effect.
Night Night Mode
Reach 700 miles on your odometer. This mode makes it night always.
Driver Parallel Lines Game Cheats Download
Shortest Day Mode
Driver Parallel Lines Vehicles
Reach 800 miles on your odometer. This mode makes a day last only 24 seconds.
Then & Now Change Option
Successfully complete the game.
Atlus Racer
Successfully complete the game.
Negotiator Vehicle
Successfully complete the game.
Ram Raider
Successfully complete the game.
Free Garage
Reach a total of $99,999.
Free Vehicle Upgrades
Collect 50 Star tokens in the 1978 Era or 2006 Era.
Double V-edit Car Durability
Collect 40 Star tokens in the 1978 Era or 2006 Era.
Double Ammo Capacity
Collect 30 Star tokens in the 1978 Era or 2006 Era.
Driver Parallel Lines Game Cheats Codes
Double Nitro
Driver Parallel Lines Cheat Codes
Collect 20 Star tokens in the 1978 Era or 2006 Era.
+50 Health
Driver Parallel Lines Pc Cheats
Collect 10 Star tokens in the 1978 Era or 2006 Era.
Age Of Empires 2: The Age Of Kings Cheat, Cheats, Code and Codes, Age Of Empires 2: The Age Of Kings Cheat, Cheats, Code and Codes
Age Of Empires 2: The Age Of Kings Cheat, Cheats, Code and Codes, Age Of Empires 2: The Age Of Kings Cheat, Cheats, Code and Codes