Ck2 Game Of Thrones Pregnant Cheat

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
Corey Feldman Interview

'A Game of Thrones' is a user modification for Crusader Kings II not affiliated in anyway with Paradox Interactive or the rights holders to 'Game of Thrones' and 'A Song of Ice and Fire'. This modification and it's team takes no income or profit, whether it be through donations, advertisements. The realm rejoices as Paradox Interactive announces the launch of Crusader Kings III, the latest entry in the publisher’s grand strategy role-playing game franchise. Advisors may now jockey for positions of influence and adversaries should save their schemes for another day, because on this day Crusader Kings III can be purchased on Steam. You will need the Game of Thrones mod for CK2. There are also attached pregnancy checks so you don't have to wait out the RNG Gods to see if you will have a child.

  1. A Game of Thrones (AGOT) is a full-conversion mod for Paradox Interactive’s Crusader Kings II (CK2). Set in the world of George R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire (ASoIaF) fantasy saga where lords great and small vie for control over the lands of Ice and Fire, from Westeros and the Seven Kingdoms in the west, to Qarth in the east. The mod takes its name from the first book in the series.
  2. It’s common sense: the healthier you are, the more likely you are to get pregnant. Try to do whatever you can to improve your chances of getting pregnant. Learn here If you are overweight, try to lose some and get to a healthier weight. Eat a healthy, well balanced diet, and exercise as often as possible.
  3. Commencing somewhere in the 300 years prior to Aegon’s Conquest, the Game of Thrones mod follows George R. Martin’s famous tales of conquest and fantasy. It’s a story that lends itself incredibly well to the gameplay of Crusader Kings 2, and the power struggles for the lands of Ice and Fire feel right at home, making it one of the best.
  4. I need to know how to woohoo my wife she wont give me a kid (and i have 200% base fertility and she has no neg traits plus strong and shes my lover) i tried event 403 and that says i jacked my wife (me ) up so that doesnt work i also found event 24504 works but that also gives her the stressed trait so what im asking is this how do i cheat (find char ids enter them etc) that way i can fuck.
Cheat Codes

While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Result Cheat Code
+5,000 gold cash
+5,000 piety piety
+5,000 prestige prestige
Set character's age age [character id] + or -[number]
Set character's diplomacy add_diplomacy [character id] + or -[number]
Set character's intrigue add_intrigue [character id] + or -[number]
Set character's learning add_learning [character id] + or -[number]
Set character's martial add_martial [character id] + or -[number]
Set character's stewardship add_stewardship [character id] + or -[number]
Allow sending diplomacy that will be rejected neg_diplo
AI control observe
Change character's culture culture [culture name]
Change religion religon [sect name]
Kills character kill [character id]
Remove arbitrary event 1711
Remove ill event 38283
Togle fog of war fow
Unlock extra character info charinfo 1
Give character a claim to selected title claim [title] [character id]
Gives title to character give_title [title] [character id]
Grants character selected county; use 'titleb_dyn_founding' character id for patricians give_title c_[county name] [character id]
Grants character selected barony; use 'titleb_dyn_founding' character id for patricians give_title b_[barony name] [character id]
Grants character selected duchy; use 'titleb_dyn_founding' character id for patricians give_title d_[duchy name] [character id]
Grants character selected kingdom; use 'titleb_dyn_founding' character id for patricians give_title k_[kingdom name] [character id]
Grants character selected empire; use 'titleb_dyn_founding' character id for patricians give_title e_[empire name] [character id]
Impregnate female character by male character pollinate [female character id] [male character id]
Initiate mistress event between female courtier and male liege event 450 [female character id]
Lovers events; new events initiated every fifth number (64030, 64035, etc.) event 64000 to event 64145
Marry anyone, including close family marry_anyone
Set any law with no waiting or vote allow_laws
Move selected character to your court; does not work on rulers move [character id]
Plots always discovered discover_plots
Put prisoner in jailer's dungeon imprison [prisoner character id] [jailer character id]
Switch control to indicated character play [character id]
'No help for you!' message help
Clear console screen clear

Ck2 Game Of Thrones Steam

Steam achievements

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.

    A Pope of My Own: Set up an antipope.
    All Three Popes: Play a game where there are two simultaneous antipopes.
    Always Bet On Duke: Work your way up from Count to Duke with a single character.
    And Stay Out!: Throw the Aztec invaders back into the sea.
    Black Widow: As a woman, have three different husbands killed.
    Celebrity: Amass more than 15,000 in prestige.
    Crusader: Fulfill the goal of a Crusade.
    Crusader King: Starting in the 'Stamford Bridge' bookmark, hold the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
    Decadent Warrior: As a Muslim, crush a Decadence revolt.
    Divine Blood: Achieve a score of 100,000.
    Dragon Blood: Achieve a score of 50,000.
    Dream Home: As a Patrician dynasty, build every upgrade for your Family Palace.
    Dwarf Fortress: Have seven courtiers with the Dwarf trait.
    Empressive: Play as three consecutive generations of empresses.
    Exalted Among Men: Fulfill the Become Exalted ambition.
    Full House: Sire five children.
    Hard Ruler: Starting in the 'Stamford Bridge' bookmark as Harald of Norway, become the King of England.
    Holy Smoke: Sacrifice another religion's head as a Norse or Aztec pagan.
    It's Better to be the Emperor: Work your way up from Count to Emperor with a single character.
    It's Good to be the King: Work your way up from Count to King with a single character.
    Keeping it in the Family: Sire a child that has the Inbred trait.
    Khan of Khans: Conquer continental Western Europe as the Mongol Empire, starting in 'The Mongols' bookmark.
    Kingdom of David: As a Jew, create the Kingdom of Israel.
    Legacy of Rome: Restore the Roman Empire.
    Merchant Prince: Amass more than 20,000 in wealth.
    Mr. Doge-Elect: As a Patrician, win an election and become Doge.
    New Ways for Old Gods: Reform one of the Pagan religions.
    On English Neck a Norman Yoke: Starting in the 'Stamford Bridge' bookmark as William the Bastard, become the King of England.
    Paragon of Virtue: Fulfill the Paragon of Virtue ambition.
    Pentarch: As an Orthodox Christian, hold Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem.
    Persistent Survivor: Play a game all the way through from 867 to 1453.
    Pilgrim: Go on a Christian Pilgrimage.
    Prester John: As a Catholic, have a border with Miaphysite Abyssinia.
    Protector of the Holy Places: Have Rome, Jerusalem, Mecca and Medina within your Realm.
    Royal Blood: Achieve a score of 10,000.
    Russkaya Pravda: Create the Kingdom of Russia as a Slav.
    S.P.Q.R.: As the Roman Empire, reclaim the old imperial borders.
    Saint: Amass more than 10,000 in piety.
    Survivor: Play a game all the way through from 1066 to 1453.
    The Black Bishop: Fund an immoral bishop and get him elected Pope.
    The Caliphate Strikes Back: Starting in the 'Stamford Bridge' bookmark as the Abbasid Caliph, become independent and hold an empire title.
    The Marriage Game: Marry another character.
    The One Who Brings Benefit: As a Zoroastrian, become the prophesied Saoshyant.
    The Outside Bet: Starting in the 'Stamford Bridge' bookmark as Svend II of Denmark, become the King of England.
    To Mecca!: Go on a Hajj to Mecca.
    Trade Empire: Your Republic maintains trade posts in 80 provinces.
    Turbulent Priest: Assassinate a vassal bishop that likes the Pope better than you.
    United the Kingdoms: Hold the kingdoms of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.
    Until Death Do Us Part: Have your spouse assassinated.
    Viking Raider: As a Viking, return home with 1,000 worth of loot.

Excellent story | Lovable characters | Highly paid voice actory

Sub-Dragon Age combat system | Tacked-on RPG elements | Freezes while auto-saving

When you’ve played as many video games as I have, you come to expect that watching fungus grow on a toenail would be more enjoyable than playing a video game based off a movie, TV show, or book (with the obvious exception of Arkham Asylum). Which is why, when I learned that a video game based off of the popular fantasy novels/HBO series A Song of Ice and Fire (better known as Game of Thrones) was in the works, I was about as interested as I am in anything Jack Thompson has to say. However, when I heard that some French video game studio that I’d never heard of was developing, and that George R.R. Martin himself was involved, I thought that there might be a chance that it would be more than a 10-hour travesty designed to squeeze as much money out of naïve fans as possible. Plus, nothing good was coming out that week.

Ck2 Game Of Thrones Mods

Game Info

Seeing as my expectations were so low, it would have been very hard to disappoint me. Luckily, with the help of Mr. Martin, the story was anything but disappointing. If you’re a big fan of the series, Game of Thrones the video game is a must-have. If you’re like me and you read the first two books, and despite enjoying them were unable to go on because they’re unbelievably depressing, I do have to warn you that the game’s story is definitely true to Martin’s style. That is, you will find yourself with your jaw hanging open in absolute horror over the things that the writers do to your favorite characters. It doesn’t matter which character you happen to like in this game. Bad things happen to all of them. If you consider that a spoiler, then you are obviously not familiar with the Game of Thrones franchise.

Obligatory torture scene

In the case that you are not familiar with the Game of Thrones franchise and are looking for a quality RPG with lots of exploration and balanced, innovative combat, look elsewhere. The best way I can describe the game is thusly: imagine Cyanide snuck into BioWare headquarters and stole an early, unpolished version of Dragon Age: Origins, then slapped some Game of Thrones fan fiction on. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good fan fiction. It’s the gameplay that’s mediocre. It’s as linear as Dragon Age, with fewer areas to explore and fewer side quests. Most of the gameplay is a lot of walking down a corridor with a couple alternate paths every now and then and coming across groups of enemies to fight every thirty seconds. Any part of the game that you actually get to play feels like padding between each chance to further the plot. It’s a lot like Final Fantasy XIII, only the plot is actually good and the characters likeable.

Game of Thrones the game follows the intersecting stories of two old war buddies who have ended up on opposite ends of the world for reasons that they will hint at relentlessly but not fully reveal until the end. War buddy number one is Mors, a grizzled, battle-scarred, heavy smoker-voiced old man who is absolutely devoted to his post at the Wall. He is a man of the Night’s Watch, a group of men who guard a giant ice wall that separates the land of Westeros from the North for reasons that aren’t adequately explained in the game (and are too complicated to explain in a review). Alester is a bit of a dry fellow who values his family above all else, but for some (horribly awful) reason, he left them to sail across the sea and become a Red Priest in the Free Cities. The good news is that his new God gave him some neat fire magic powers to fight with.

Mors and Alester are both likeable and complex characters whom you will grow to love (and later be horrified by the terrible things that happen to them). Most of the other characters are believable enough. Although the main bad guy is kind of cartoon-y evil, and it’s hard to take him seriously with that bowl cut, no matter how many people he slaughters heartlessly. The game switches back and forth between Mors and Alester until they are brought together by events surrounding the fate of some chick. It’s all very elegant, I assure you.

Each old guy has his own set of special abilities. Alester has his Red Priest fire magic, with which he can discover hidden stuff somehow. Mors has an ugly old dog, and is also a skinchanger. This means that he can enter his dog’s mind, and you get to run around from the dog’s perspective and sniff out enemies and loot. Mors’ ability is a lot better.

The combat system is real-time, with the familiar ability wheel that you can bring up with the R1 button. The best part about the combat system is that time slows down when you’re navigating the ability wheel, which can result in amusing slow-mo mid-battle banter. The abilities are pretty unbalanced, with some being useless and others being the ones that you will use over and over. Less than halfway into the game, I had two abilities for each character that I used over and over. One to stun the opponent, and another that caused extra damage to stunned opponents. I was pretty much unstoppable at that point.

The game also gives you way too many points to put into combat strengths. You can choose from the three standard armor types and a number of weapon types. Of course, you get double points for which ever type of armor and weapon specialty you choose at the beginning of the game, so that’s pretty useless.

The voice acting is of a higher quality than I expect from most video games. The actors who play Jeor Mormont and Lord Varys in the show even voice their characters in the game. Unfortunately, I think Cyanide may have spent all of their HBO sponsor money on these two actors, since the voice acting of the minor characters is lacking. Is it just me, or do developers have a tape of whiney peasant talk somewhere that they pass around? The soundtrack and riot sound effects are repetitive and slightly annoying, both of which cut out periodically, which really hurts the dramatic effect during those tense moments. Not to mention the times when you’re just wandering around town and the music gets really intense for no apparent reason.

Alester on fire, in a good way

When it comes to the graphics, Cyanide was really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Combined with the occasional cutting out of the music, it can make the cut scenes awkward and disturbing for reasons other than George R. R. Martin’s writing. But the worst part is that the game tends to lock up whenever too much is going on. For example, when the game auto-saves. That happened to me a total of three times. Fortunately, I only lost my save once. But all three times I was terrified that my save data would be corrupted. It’s pretty much the worst thing that a game can do to you.

As I’ve said many times, being a writer automatically makes me appreciate a good story. Game of Thrones the game has a story so effective that I was visibly upset about one particularly harsh scene for over an hour after I’d stopped playing. It’s not as good as the actual books, but it’s one of the best I’ve encountered in a video game yet. However, a video game is a game, and if a game isn’t fun to play, you can’t call it good. The exploration aspect is well below average, and the combat is decent but uninspired, and the RPG elements are not well-thought out. If you’re a huge fan of A Song of Ice and Fire, I highly recommend picking this game up. If you’re a huge fan of good RPGs, I recommend saving your money for the next thing BioWare puts out.


Make sure to check for Game of Thrones cheat codes when you play!

Author: Lindsey Weedston View all posts by Lindsey Weedston