Living With Roommates Game Cheats

  • Sims 4 Wiki -the ultimate resource for cheats, codes, guides and more for The Sims 4 on the PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, Xbox One and PC!
  • Living Room Escape Hints: - Submitted by: RM Use the following steps to complete the game. Get the rubber strip from the bottom drawer. Get the half glasses from the floor by the couch and the straw from the glass on the table. Combine all three of them to create a snorkel.

The game box also includes several coloured playing pieces to represent characters, miniature murder weapon props, two six-sided dice, three sets of cards (describing the aforementioned rooms, characters or weapons), Solution Cards envelope to contain one card from each set of cards, and a Detective's Notes pad on which are printed lists of.

ZorkI: Great Underground Empire

ZORK I PartOne

So, you're allset for The Great Underground Empire, eh? Okay, but before we begin, afew words about this walkthru. First, this is not the only way to solvethe game. It's just one of the faster ones. Second, because there is no'wasted motion' in this game, you will not be visiting all the locations.So, you might want to play around with the game on your own for a while,mapping out as much as you can, without much regard for gathering treasures.

Actually, mappingis a good idea, since, if you make a misstep somewhere, you might findyourself in trouble! Be especially careful to follow the directions whenin the mazes; a wrong move there, and you could be lost for quite sometime!

Finally, youmay not go through this in exactly the way it's written because of thethief. He is a variable item in the game; you never know where he willshow up. Try to move out of the room he's in as soon as he shows up. Butkeep in mind that even if he does steal anything from you, you will getit all back from him in the end. Okay? Let's start the adventure!

Living With Roommates Game Cheats Age Of Empires 2

You begin Westof the house, and your first chore is to get inside. So, go South and East.Open the window and enter the house (you're in the kitchen), then go Westinto the living room. Get the lamp, then move the rug, revealing the trapdoor. Open the trap door, turn on the lamp, and go down. At this point,some mysterious person will shut the door on you; don't worry about thatfor now.

Okay, so hereyou are in the cellar. It's time to pick up your first treasure, so goSouth, then East to the Gallery. Get the painting, then continue Northto the Studio. Go up the chimney (you can only fit with the lamp and thepainting), and you will be in the kitchen again. Now, go upstairs to theattic, and get the knife and rope. Come back down and go into the livingroom.

Open the caseand put the painting inside. Then, drop the knife and get the sword. Openthe trap door again, and return to the cellar. Again, the door is shutby someone (you never will find out who's doing this, but it doesn't matter).Now you're back in the cellar, and since we're coming to one of the moredangerous parts of the game, you might want to do a save here.

Gripping yourtrusty sword, head North into the Troll room. There's a nasty troll herewith a bloody axe, and the only way past is to kill him. So, do just that:'Kill Troll With Sword.' It will most likely take more than one attempt,so keep at it, and eventually he will disappear in a cloud of black smoke.Now, drop the sword, because you really don't need it any more, and itwill hinder you in carrying other, more important items.

Having dispatchedthe troll, you move along East, East (into the Round room), then SE andEast. You are now in the Dome room. It's a long way down, and too far tojump, so here's where the rope comes in handy. Tie the rope to the railing,then climb down the rope. You will be in the Torch room. Leave the torchfor now; you'll be coming back this way again later.

From the Torchroom, go South, then East and get the coffin. Return West, then continueSouth to the Altar. There's no way you're going to get down

that hole withthe coffin, and even the program will tell you that you haven't got a prayer.That's a hint, folks: Just 'Pray,' and you will find yourself in the forestagain. Since it's daylight out, save energy and turn off the lamp.

Now, head alongSouth, then North (I know, but it works!) to the clearing, then East tothe Canyon View. Climb all the way down to the bottom, then go North toRainbow's End. Drop the coffin and open it. Inside is a jeweled sceptre.Get that, and wave it. The rainbow will become solid (you'll need to crossover from the other side later). Now, 'Look.' You should see a pot of gold.Get that, and the coffin.

After that, goSW, then all the way back up to Canyon View. From there, it's NW to theclearing, and then West to the window. Once in the kitchen, open the bagand get the garlic (nothing else, just the garlic). Go on into the livingroom, and put your treasures in the case. Now, sit down and take a breather,because you're about to do a lot of traveling!

ZORK I PartTwo

Once again, openthe trap door, turn on the lamp, and go down. Watch carefully, and youwill notice that this time, the door doesn't close! Whoever was doing itbefore must have gotten bored. Anyway, you're on your way to the dam, somove along North, East, North, NE, and East. You are now on top of thedam.

From there, goNorth to the Lobby. Pick up the matches, then go either North or East (doesn'tmatter) into the Maintenance room. Get the wrench and the screwdriver,then push the yellow button. Now, return to the dam, and you will see thatthe green bubble is lit. Turn the bolt with the wrench, then drop the wrench.You have opened the dam, and you will be coming back this way again toreap the fruits of your labors. However, right now, you're on your wayto Hades, so let's get going!

Go South, thendown into the Loud room. Leave the platinum bar for now; you'll get itlater. Head West into the Round room, then SE and East (hmmmm, haven'tyou been here before?). Again, climb down the rope. This time, get thetorch. At this point, you can turn off your lamp; the torch will providelight so long as you have it.

Now, continuestraight South, getting the bell, then the book and candles from the altar.Go down the hole to the cave, then down again to the entrance to Hades.Your candles will have blown out by this time, but don't worry about it.Okay, here's where you have to be careful. First, ring the bell. It willbecome red hot and you will drop it. You will also drop the candles. Staycalm, and do the following, all in one command: Get the candles, lightmatch, light candles with match (necessary, because of the torch, and *DON'T*use the torch, or you'll vaporize the candles!). Okay, strange things happenedwhen you lit the candles, now read the book. Whew! The demons have beenexorcised!

Drop the book,then go South and get the crystal skull. Now, back North, then up to thecave, then North to the Mirror room. By the way, better put out the candles.Rub the mirror, and you will now be in another Mirror room (this one isNorth of the dam, as the other one is South).

Now, go North,then West, then North, then West into the Squeaky room (well, I told youyou'd be doing a lot of traveling this time!). Make sure you have the garlicwith you, then go North into the Bat room. So long as you have the garlic,he won't bother you. There is a jade figurine here, but leave it for now.You'll pick it up on your way out.

ZORK I PartThree

Go East to theShaft room. Put the torch into the basket, then turn on your lamp and headNorth to the Smelly room, then down to the Gas Room (best not to carryany open flames here!). Now, you are about to enter a small maze, so followthese directions *CAREFULLY*!

  • East
  • Northeast
  • Southeast
  • Southwest
  • down, and you shouldbe at the top of the ladder (if you aren't, may God have mercy on yoursoul!).
  • From there, go downto the Ladder Bottom
  • and then South tothe Dead End for the coal.
  • Get that, then returnto the ladder top.
  • From there, go up
  • North
  • East
  • South
  • North, and you willbe back in the Gas room
  • Go up, then Southto the Shaft room again.
Put the coal inthe basket, and lower the basket. Now, guess what? You have to go backthrough the coal mine again! So, make your way to the Ladder Bottom, butthis time, go West to the Timber room. Ignore the broken timber (not usefulfor anything), and drop all but the screwdriver. Now, you can squeeze throughthe crack to the West.

And here youare in the Drafty Room, which is also at the bottom of the shaft. There'sthe basket, so get the coal and the torch, and move South into the Machineroom. Open the lid, put the coal in the machine, close the lid, and turnthe switch with the screwdriver. Drop the screwdriver, open the lid, andget the diamond (well, no one ever said Zork was an *EASY* game!). Now,go back North, and put the torch and the diamond in the basket. Squeezeback East into the Timber room. Get the skull, lamp, and garlic. You won'tbe needing the matches and the candles any more, so you can leave them.(They were insurance in case the thief came along and stole the torch beforeyou could get the diamond). Now, head East again to the Ladder Bottom,and from there up and through the coal mine (you know the way now!), tothe Gas room. Pick up the bracelet, then continue on up and South to theShaft room. Get the torch and the diamond from the basket, turn off thelamp, then go West into the Bat room. Get the jade, then go South, East,South to the Slide room.


Now, here's afast way back to the cellar: Just go down the slide! Wheeeee! Then it'sup to the living room (remember, the trap door is open now), and all thetreasures go into the case. Huff! Puff! Bet you didn't know you'd be doing*THIS* much running around! But, don't get too relaxed, there's still plentymore to come (urk!).

ZORK I PartFour

Turn on the lamp,and return to the cellar. From there, it's North (ah, deja vu!), then East,North, NE to Reservoir South. Now that the sluice gates are open, you canhead North, picking up the trunk of jewels, North again to Reservoir North,getting the air pump, and North one more time, getting the crystal trident.After that, go all the way back South again to Reservoir South, then Eastto the dam, and then East once more to the Dam Base.

Here you finda little pile of folded plastic; guess what it is? Right, it's an inflatableboat! So, inflate it with the pump, then drop the pump, then get insidethe boat, say 'Launch,' and you're floating off along the Frigid River.

Now, just keepwaiting until you see the buoy. Get that, then 'East' to the beach. Getout of the boat, then get the shovel and move on to the Sandy Cave to theNE. You might want to save the game at this point, since you haveto dig here until the scarab turns up, and I'm sure you don't want to getburied alive (it's been known to happen!). Okay, drop the shovel and getthe scarab, then go back SW. Drop the buoy and open it; inside is an emerald.Get that, then continue South to the Aragain Falls.

Here you cancross the rainbow (so do that!), which brings you to the End of The Rainbow.Turn off the lamp, then go SW to the Canyon Bottom. From there, make yourway back to the living room, and put all the treasures in the case. Yourcollection is quite impressive by now, but you aren't finished yet. GoEast twice, then North twice. Climb up the tree and get the egg. Climbdown again, and go South, East, and back to the living room. However, thistime, you don't put the treasure in the case.

Living With Roommates Game Cheats Sims 4

Turn on the lamp,and go down (once again!) into the cellar, and North to the Troll room.Now, you are about to enter a maze, so follow the directions very carefully!

  • West (this bringsyou into the maze)
  • South
  • East, up, and youfind several items here
  • Take only the coinsand the key, and be careful not to touch the skeleton!
  • From here, go SW
  • East
  • South
  • SE, and you willbe in the Cyclops room. The Cyclops is not friendly, but you can deal withhim effortlessly: Just type in 'Ulysses' (or 'Odysseus,' if you prefer).Old One-Eye will tear out of there right through the wall! In fact, hewill create a passage eastward from that room right into the living room!

Living With Roommates Game Cheats Free

However, you don'twant to go that way yet! Instead, go upstairs, and you will be in the TreasureRoom, the thief's secret lair. Now, give him the egg, and go back downstairs,then East to the living room. Deposit the coins in the case, then get theknife (the thief needs a little time to open the egg). Okay, go back Westto the Cyclops room. Again, at this point, saving is recommended; the thiefwill not be easy to kill!

So, head upstairsand use the nasty knife to kill the thief. Once he's dead, all treasuresin the room will be visible. This includes the egg, a silver chalice, andanything he may have stolen from you before. Get everything, then followthese directions: Down, NW, South, West, up, down, NE, and you will bein the Grating Room. Unlock and open the grate (watch out for falling leaves!),then go up. You will be in a clearing. From there, go South and climb thetree again. Wind up the canary that's inside the egg. A songbird will comeby and drop a bauble for you. Climb down again and get the bauble, thenreturn to the living room. Put all the treasures in the case, making sureyou *REMOVE THE CANARY* from the egg and put it in the case separately!You're almost finished! Just one more trip to make!

Living With Roommates Game Cheats 4

Now, for thelast time, enter the cellar and go North. From the Troll Room, go Eastuntil you come again to the Loud Room. Type in: 'Echo,' and you will nowbe able to get the bar. So, grab it and return to the living room. Onceyou place it in the case, you will get a message. Follow the advice ofthat message, and you will get a map. Take that, and return to the placewhere this all started, the mailbox West of the house. You should haveno trouble getting to the barrow from there. Of course, once you enterthe barrow....

You didn't reallythink it would end there, did you? Not when there's still Zork II and ZorkIII waiting for you up ahead! Ah, but it's too late; you can't turn backnow! You'll just have to grit your teeth and follow through to the end(with a little help, of course). See you in Zork II!