Is Cheating In Solo Game Bad

I bought PUBG hacks and I can safely say that it was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

  1. Is Cheating In Solo Game Bad Guys
  2. Is Cheating In Solo Game Bad Boys

This is a prearranged deck that the cheat would bring into the game at an opportune moment. The deck would have two or more hands already setup or ‘stacked’ and it would be ready for dealing. The cheat might also give the deck a false shuffle and then deal his winning hand. Traditional anti-cheat systems concentrate on finding a cheating device of sorts on a user's computer prior to gameplay. While effective, the inherent problem with it is that if a new cheating device is created the system will need to be updated to recognize it as well.

Is Cheating In Solo Game Bad Guys

By using hacks on PUBG, I learned a thing or two about the state of the game, and most importantly, found some important answers about many questions players have had about the supposed cheating problem in Battlegrounds.


To preface this topic, I do not condone cheating in anyway. I downloaded the PUBG hack to run an experiment to find out exactly how many people were actually cheating.

I’ll explain all about what I used the cheat for and what I learned about the PUBG cheating scandal below. Surprisingly, I’ve found some very good news on the whole PUBG cheating situation.

Hacking In PUBG: The Back Story And Premise

There’s no doubt that there’s been a lot of controversy surrounding PUBG and the cheating problem that has been throwing shade over the game in recent months.

If you ask any group of average PUBG players, chances are that you’d get a round of complaints about PUBG cheating. The general consensus seems to be that it has gotten so far out of hand that it has completely ruined the game experience.

However, through some research, I’ve found that this is not the case whatsoever. Here’s what I’ve found out.

At first, I doubted it myself, but as more reports came in on the PUBG subreddit and on the Steam community page for Playerunkown’s Battlegrounds, my suspicions rose. And then it happened to me.

Three games in a row with what felt to me like blatant hackers. One player I was 100% certain was cheating. The following two groups of players to kill me in the proceeding games looked like they were cheating too.

I was instantly concerned for the state of the game. I love PUBG, and I absolutely don’t want it to fall into the hands of the cheaters.

My experience with the cheating incidents mentioned above reminded me of a past gaming community that got swallowed up whole by cheaters.

I’m speaking about WarZ, now known as the New Z. In that game, 90% of the players had cheats. That’s 100% confirmed.

The way I knew that was the case was because I downloaded hacks for that game too. With the hacks, you could see player’s exoskeletons, health and equipped weapon stats printed on your screen as an overlay. You could see this data through walls and you could see players up to 1,000 meters.

I didn’t download hacks because I wanted to cheat. I did it because it seemed everybody else had them and I absolutely had to find out if this was true or not. The only real way to find out was to use the hacks myself and look at other players and learn about how they act by monitoring their behavior.

By using a hack I found online, I found out that 90% of players would turn and start running towards you as soon as you pulled out a rare weapon.

Players would aim at you through trees and wait until you got into their line of sight. Cheaters would jump 100’s of feet into the air and spray bullets down at nearby players, killing them all instantly.

It was so, so bad, that eventually, the hackers took over. It’s a long story, but the current version of the WarZ is now owned and operated by the very same cheat creators that made the game get into the state that it was.

If I didn’t download the hacks myself, I would have never known that the hacking problem was that bad. This is what drove me to download hacks on PUBG. I wanted to find out how many people were hacking. I wanted to find out if it was as overrun with cheaters as the community has been making it out to be.

So, with the above information in mind, I paid for and downloaded PUBG cheats.

I wanted to use the cheats to run an experiment to learn about how many people truly were cheating in Battlegrounds. Here’s the test that I went with.

  • Land down in different areas on each map.
  • Follow and monitor players, making sure I’m out of line of sight. I’d use the hacks to see exactly where they were and ensure that they wouldn’t be able to see me.
  • I’d hide in positions that they’d come across. If players were hacking, they’d find me and kill me. Players that weren’t hacking would walk straight past me.

PUBG Cheaters: The Experiments & Real Stats

During my time running this experiment, I managed to monitor a total of 48 different players. Due to the community’s negative opinion over the Chinese player base in particular, I decided to stick with the Asian third person servers to begin with.

Here’s the stats I found from monitoring a total of 48 different players.

I ran this experiment over a total of 9 games. Whilst I couldn’t monitor the players that weren’t physically close to me, the data I gathered from this small selection of games made it clear to me that the cheating problem is no way near as bad as the community makes it out to be.

Below is an overview of the 48 players and how they fall into each category.

Not hacking

I followed these players, monitoring their movements through walls, and giving them 3-5 chances to spot me by hiding behind a hill, tree, or box very close to them. All 45 players in this category were blatantly unaware of my prescence.

It got to the point where I was even able to follow some players directly behind them for 2-3 minutes before they even looked around and noticed I was there.

Using ESP

I followed these players, monitoring their movements through walls. For one of the players it wasn’t obvious at first, but I ran off into the distance, out of sight from the player and hid behind a tree, making sure I was out of sight.

After the player had finished fighting players in a nearby area, the player proceeded to run straight towards me and straight at the tree I was hiding at.

The other player using ESP was obvious straight out of the gate.

They kept advancing on my position in Pochinki, despite there being multiple buildings between myself and the other player. Every position I moved to would be retaliated by movements from the player.

Using another cheat

Is Cheating In Solo Game Bad Boys

This player started punching players by teleporting to them and knocking them down. They weren’t physically in the location they were killing players. I fell victim to the cheater myself.

Finding Working PUBG Cheats Is Very, Very Hard

After my 9th game using a cheat to monitor players, my account was permanently banned.

What’s incredible is that I didn’t use this cheat to do anything blatantly obvious to other players. This made it very clear to me that PUBG Corp. are working around the clock to ban cheaters.

By using this cheat and researching about PUBG cheats in general, I learned a lot about how cheats work, how cheaters behave, and also how PUBG Corp. are putting all of the stops in to get cheaters banned.

There are a few key things I want to point out here that further demonstrates these following things:

  1. How hard it is to play PUBG with cheats without being detected and banned.
  2. How much effort PUBG Corp. are actually putting in to ban cheaters.

Let’s first start with things from the cheater’s perspective. To begin with, I was actually very shocked at how hard it was to find a working PUBG cheat. It may be different for non-English speaking players, but for an English speaker, it proved very difficult to find a hack that actually worked.

Unlike with The WarZ, there weren’t any publicly available hacks. Instead, I had to find a premium cheat, pay the subscription, and then get access to private forums to get the download link. Before I made my pick, I found a few examples of cheats that players complained were riddled with viruses or didn’t even work whatsoever.

After a lot of research, I decided to pick a cheat available for a monthly price. I won’t name the cheat but the price was $10-$30 per month. When I purchased it, I wasn’t confident the cheat even worked.

After trawling through the forums, I found that the cheat did work, but many features were purposely switched off. The cheat creators themselves so scared to give their subscribers access to most of the cheat tools because they were concerned their paying subscribers would get banned. As a result, the cheat creators offered a list of strict rules you had to follow to avoid being banned:

  • Turn on the cheat loader.
  • Wait 30 seconds.
  • Boot up PUBG.
  • Don’t kill anybody until the first safe zone comes in.
  • Pretend you don’t have the cheat as hard as you possibly can.
  • Reboot your PC every time the game ends.

With these kinds of restrictions, the cheaters had very little benefit from using the cheat in the first place. The cheat would also automatically switch off when 20 players were left alive to stop players from getting banned.

The cheat had very little information to give you either. You only had the player name and the player distance printed on your screen. Stats about health and other details like speed running were turned off. Apparently, using these features would get you banned very quickly.

I can only assume that the people that have hacks like the teleport punching player I came across previously were also banned very quickly.

Only those that played very smartly would be able to keep their hack online for multiple days or weeks without getting noticed, and eventually the PUBG Corp. anti-cheat methods would catch up to them.

This brings me to my second point – PUBG Corp. are putting in a ton of effort to fight cheaters and their work shouldn’t go without notice. Hopefully this topic should shed light on just how hard they are working.

The Anti-cheat Measures Being Used By PUBG Corp.

I learned a lot about the different anti-cheat measures that the PUBG anti-cheat team were using to stop cheating in their game. Yes, that’s right – PUBG Corp. even have their own dedicated anti-cheat team.

This team has a number of tools they make use of 24/7 to stop players, but before I get into that, let’s look at the passive measures PUBG Corp. has.

Firstly, PUBG uses BattlEye – this is an anti-cheat software that will detect different programs on your PC. If a player injects a cheat or has cheating software on their PC, it’ll pick it up and will ban players.

BattlEye is so effective at picking up anti-cheat software that the cheat creators told me that if you leave the .zip file of the cheat on your PC whilst playing, or have any folders on your PC that have any correlation to cheating software, you’ll be banned immediately. It’s pretty impressive.

PUBG also uses a number of methods to stop people from doing things like running at the speed of light or teleporting to players. You can do these things with premium cheats, but you will get banned very quickly.

When it comes to the PUBG anti-cheat team, I was very impressed. Once again, I only have information from the cheat creators to go off of, but according to them, members from the anti-cheat team will spectate players regularly. I assume that if you’ve been reported or if a player sets off any red flags, they’ll be put in a queue to be spectated.

Is cheating in solo game badminton

Ultimately, there’s a very thick net being used to catch and ban cheaters in Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds, and more features are being implemented. They should be commended for their efforts.

The Explosive Conclusion With Battlegrounds Cheating

After all of this experimenting, I’ve learned so much about cheating in PUBG. I’m so glad I took on this challenge, because I learned a few things and I want to summarize these below.

  • The PUBG cheating problem isn’t out of hand. In fact, it’s being dealt with incredibly well.
  • My tests would assume only 1-3% of players are actually cheating.
  • Premium cheat creators are very scared of PUBG’s anti-cheat measures. So much so that they’re disabling most cheating features.
  • There are no easily accessible free cheats.
  • Using cheats is going to get you banned eventually, even if you don’t kill anybody whilst cheating.
  • Teleporting, speed hacking, and using things like aimbot and noclip will get you banned almost instantly.
  • The cheaters that aren’t getting banned immediately are being very, very cautious and are only using very basic ESP hacks.

In summary, there’s nothing to worry about when it comes to PUBG cheating.

You’ve got very little to worry about, and whilst it doesn’t harm to press the report button, chances are, almost all encounters you have with players will be hack-free. I’m not saying you won’t come across hackers, because you will, but in comparison to other online games, PUBG have got things in control.