Cruise Ship Escape Game Cheats

General Tips

Game details Tom and Kimberly are having their honeymoon on the Queen Beatrice cruise ship, but after a long night of partying, Kimberly went missing. Do your best to help Tom find her. Get ready to sail one of the most exciting ships on the seas! Norwegian Escape is ready to whisk you away to the Bahamas, The Caribbean, Canada & New England, and Bermuda. Indulging in every whim is what unforgettable vacations are made of. Get ready to chase sunsets on The Waterfront.

  • The game has 20 locations or levels and no timer except in a couple of mini-games.
  • Hints are unlimited in the form of a “Help” button in the lower left of the scene which refills after it has been used.
  • There is a “Task” button on the lower right side of the scene which you can use to remind you of what you are currently trying to do.
  • Each scene has important items that will cause your cursor to change when you hover over them. They may appear one at a time or sometimes two. You can identify the items from the small circles at the lower part of the screen by clicking on them when they are available
  • Each important item will produce a circlet for you to fill with the objects shown surrounding it in the smaller circles. You will have to actually pick up the objects and place them in the circlet.
  • There is no penalty for clicking around.
  • If you quit in the middle of a location or level, you will have to replay from the beginning of the chapter.
  • There are mini games and puzzles along the way which you can play or skip when the “Skip” button at the bottom of the screen is full.
Cruise Ship Escape Game Cheats
  • From the Main Menu you can choose you profile, view the credits, start playing or exit, and set up your options under settings.
  • Settings lets you choose the volume of the music and sound effects, use the game cursor or not and decide if you want full screen or a window.
  • When you click on “Menu” in the upper left corner you get the choice to continue, change your settings, save and exit, or to replay the scene.
  • Replay will take you to the beginning of the level.
  • Save and Exit may also mean you will have to replay from the beginning of the level unless you are at a mini game – you will then begin the mini game again when you start up the game.
  • You are on a cruise ship in the South Seas having the time of your life until the ship hits a reef, springs a leak, and starts taking on water in the boiler room.
  • In between locations you will have a storyboard with commentary which you can choose to skip.


  • The sirens are blaring and the passengers are evacuating the sinking ship but before you can leave, you need to get out of your cabin which is locked.
  • Note the “Help” button on the lower left and the “Task” button on the lover right.
  • Your first important object is the backpack marked in the yellow circle.
  • There are two important objects available for this scene as shown in the small circles at the bottom of the scene. One of the objects you need for the backpack must be obtained by completing the blue circlet.
  • Once you have completed the blue circlet click on the fire hose shown in the insert and take the lifejacket to put into the yellow circlet.
  • You can access the circlets by clicking on the small circles.
  • Once you have found all the objects for each circlet the small circles will get a “green thumbs up” to show you that you have completed everything and one or more new circlets will become available as shown in the green marking at the bottom of the screen.
  • You need to find the key to get out the door. It is in the drawer as shown in the insert so you will need to collect all the yellow marked items to get it.
  • Oops, the bookcase fell over so but all the yellow items in the circlet.
  • Click on the fire hose again to bring up the insert and take it this time.
  • The key isn’t working so you need to check the power – collect all the yellow items.


  • You need to rewire the panel by twisting the fuses.
  • Each time you make a connection from top to bottom as shown above, the fuses will light up and then fall to the bottom.
  • The lights in the panel above will light up as you make the connections – you can make more than one connection at a time.

Keep making connections until you light up the entire panel above the fuses and the power goes on as shown in the solution above.


  • The ship is on fire so you need to catapult some sand bags to put the fire out.


  • There are 3 fires to extinguish – the numbers marked on the catapult show about where you need to let go of the mouse click to hit the targets.
  • The longer you hold onto the mouse button the farther the sand bag will fly.
  • Everybody else is gone and the remaining lifeboat has a hole which you need to repair.
  • The nails are in the bucket so click on it to bring up the insert.
  • The hammer is sort of buried under the metal piece so look carefully.
  • The chain to lower the boat isn’t attached to anything so gather the parts to put it back together.
  • Now the mechanism has a problem so you need to fix it.
  • You need to level the boat before you can lower it.
  • Find the oars which are behind the wood panel.

The crowbar is sort of buried at the left of the scene.


  • The lifeboat caught fire and overturned but you managed to hold onto something to get to shore.
  • You are thirsty so need to find some fresh water.
  • There are a bunch of tools lying around so gather them up.
  • Find a way to rescue the chest – gather items for the hoist.
  • Gather up some useful items to put in the crate.
  • After you finish collecting your objects a parrot starts messing around with your crate as shown in the yellow insert.
  • Click on him to bring up a mini game.


  • There are a lot of parrots and you are afraid they will steal your food so you need to chase then away.
  • Click on them as they fly by until you have chased 20 away.
  • Since you will be spending the night, you need to gather items to build a roof.


  • You were captured by natives and tied up so time to move on – collect the bow and arrows.
  • The fishing pole might also come in handy so put it together.
  • Put the lures in the tackle box.
  • You decide to also take along the mountain climbing gear.
  • Click on the basket marked in blue to bring up the insert and grab the last piece of gear.
  • There appears to be a secret hiding place so collect the tools to open it.
  • When it opens click on the hole and you will be presented with a match-the-pairs mini game as shown in the left insert.
  • Match up all the pictures to open the lock and you will get a bunch of pieces of paper as shown in the right insert.


  • Put the map pieces together like the solution in the middle.

Some of the puzzle pieces are already in place to give you a head start.


  • You escape from the natives and run as fast as you can until you fall into a hole and land here.
  • You need to light a torch so collect all the items marked in yellow.
  • Once you’ve done that you decide to clean the second fountain so you can have some fresh water – collect all the green marked items.
  • Light the rest of the torches.
  • Check out the design on the wall – once you have collected the stained glass you will get the mini game shown in the insert.


  • Restore the damaged mosaic to look like the solution above.
  • Some of the pieces will already be fixed to the wall.
  • Find all the keys to open the secret door.


  • Connect the pipeline from the top to the bottom marks so that the water does not leak when you check it with the red handle above.
  • Be careful that the green timer doesn’t run out before you’ve solved the puzzle or you will have to try again – I prefer to play windowed mode so I can stop the timer by putting my cursor on the top window bar.
  • The puzzle pieces are random – the pieces with red on one side are stoppers to contain the water.
  • These pipes do not turn so you need to exchange 2 pieces pipe for the shape you want.
  • To make certain you don’t have a problem at the beginning or ending pipeline, try using a straight vertical piece in those places.
  • A sample solution is shown in the insert.
  • Once the pipeline is completed you will get a piece of paper and a rope with a hook – click on them to collect them.
  • The piece of paper turns out to be another piece of the map.


  • In order to get back out of the hole, twirl the hook by clicking and holding with your mouse.
  • Let go of it when you think it is in the middle of the hole.

Once you start up the hole keep clicking on the hook until it gets to the top.


  • It’s getting dark so you want to build a roof over your head for the night.
  • Pick up some objects to create a fish net.
  • Click on the plant marked in pink to get the root.
  • You have a fish net so you need to corral the fish by creating a shallow section for them to swim into.
  • When you have finished your creation click on it to start catching some fish.


  • Match the jumping fish with the fish shown on the rock at the bottom until you have collected 20 of them.
  • They don’t have to be facing the same direction as long as they match.
  • Now that you have fish you need to make a fire so you can cook them.
  • Plain fish aren’t as good as those cooked with herbs so pick up some of those.

Click on the pink square to bring up the insert and get the last piece.


  • The natives started screaming again so you take off running with them chasing you and tumble down a pathway.
  • You come upon a cave and spend the night – its morning and you need to wash up so find the necessary objects.

Cruise Ship Escape Game Cheats Walkthroughs

  • You are hungry so locate the fruit.
  • You need to keep moving so locate something to help you get out of there.
  • You’ve located sufficient materials to make a ladder but you want to investigate the rock that is there.


  • There are 4 parts to the mini game – the 3 additional puzzles are shown in the inserts.
  • You must place the various shapes from the side bar into the puzzle to reconstruct the mosaic in the rock.
  • Where the hand is pointing to the green marked space at the bottom is a dump site for unwanted pieces so that you will be given more pieces that might be more useful.
  • You can rotate the pieces by right clicking on them.
  • When you finish all 4 puzzles the safe will open and you will get another piece of the map as shown in the insert.
  • You need to find objects to fasten the ladder to the wall so you can climb down it.

Click on the box marked in blue to pick up the ring shown in the insert.


  • You find a raft the needs to be rebuilt to be useful – find the objects to start the repair.
  • Oops, the palm tree fell down and landed on the termite nest so you need to find something to stop them.
  • You need to smoke out the termites before they destroy the wood.
  • Click on 30 of them with your cursor to zap them away.
  • With the termites out of the way you can look for more wood to repair the raft.
  • Now you need to tie everything together so collect the vines.

There is still a little more wood needed for the mast.


  • There is a hut across the river – it’s getting chilly so you decide to build a fire.
  • You discover a vault in the floor so collect objects to open it.
  • There is a radio inside so you try to collect items to get it working – the blue marked objects.
  • There is a chest marked in green that has one last part so you will need to open it first.
  • The lock on the chest is a mini game.


  • Place all the pieces in the lower left square in the shape of the bird shown to the right.
  • The pieces need to go in the outlines on the box as shown in the insert solution.

When you have opened the lock, click on the chest to pick up the piece shown in the previous screen shot insert.



  • The natives have captured you again and carried you off. After being bombarded by coconuts you are put in a cage.
  • The cage appears to have some sort of water lock that you need to open just like the pipeline mini game.
  • Swap pipe pieces to make a connection between the beginning and end marked in yellow.
  • Make sure you cap off anything that might cause a leak and test the result with the red handle.
  • Once again, keep an eye on the green timer or use my window mode cheat.
  • One solution is shown in the insert.
  • Once free from the cage you go looking for food.
  • A box and some communication equipment attract your attention so you first need to collect the yellow marked pieces so you can get the last orange piece which is shown in the insert.
  • There appears to be something in the wall so you need more light.

It looks to be a blocked passageway so you need to clear away all the junk.


  • After following the passageway you find yourself in some sort of tunnel.
  • You need to put a winch together so collect all the parts and then click on the completed winch to see what happens.


  • The winch swings back and forth so you need to stop it by clicking on it so you can direct it to pick up all the rocks and logs.
  • It’s sort of dark to see but the winch is picking up the rock marked at the bottom left.
  • You don’t have to specifically click on the winch so just click on the screen when it is in a position you like.
  • Now you need to create a bridge across the platform.
  • Create one more bridge.
  • Now you need to repair the rail.
  • Clear away all the debris.
  • The light is getting a little brighter but there are falling rocks you need to deal with them so you can get out.


  • You have the ability to get rid of the rocks by moving them over to the far side of the scene.
  • They will come down on the left as shown so you need to follow them across the screen to the right as shown to toss them into the right void.
  • There are 15 to dispose of and I think you’ve seen this sort of thing before in other games so just flip the rocks over to the right side or chose to skip it when the bar is available to do so.
  • Don’t get frustrated if you see more than one rock attack you at a time – just pick one and move it over.

When you finish there will be light at the end of the tunnel and a way to move on.


  • In order to continue you will need to escape the trap and there will be steps to take care of the problem.
  • Find the necessary objects for this first step.
  • You have two tasks here – you need to create a rope and find a machete.
  • Collect all the yellow items and the red items but there is a green thing you need to check out so you can get the final red item.
  • Apparently you need to fill the net so collect those items.
  • Since there aren’t any vines we need to find some other stuff to improvise so collect the red items and then click on the basket and pick up the part there.

You need to place the rope like thing you put together on the trap.


  • Collect the pieces of wood for this raft.
  • Now you need some tools and don’t forget to click on the blue square to get the nails.
  • The raft is complete for being able to steer it so find all the parts.
  • One missing thing is a sail for find all of those objects.

Oh, you still have to distract the fish so more objects to collect.


  • It’s getting dark again so you need to figure out how to get some light.
  • Now you need some light bulbs so click on the green and blue marked spots to bring up the inserts and get the rest of the bulbs.
  • You have light so now you want a flag to attract attention.
  • You are thinking something is hidden so have a look around and collect a few things.

You discover a chest so need to check it out and find another piece of the map.


  • The natives are starting to get to be a pain but let’s pick up what might be some useful items to help us get out of here.
  • Wow, where did that gold come from – we can probably use that so let’s collect it.
  • Now we need to see if everything can fit in our backpack.
  • Be sure to click on the basket at the far left side that is marked in yellow – the insert shows an item you need.
  • The door hinges are rusty so maybe you can find a way to remove them.

You collect everything to get you out of the cage and the native surround you but explain they meant no harm and were just trying to protect you from the animals.


  • There are many statuettes lying around that need to be collected.
  • Check out the interesting looking jug and see what it is all about.
  • It turns out to be a camera but it’s broken.
  • Maybe you can fix the camera if you collect the parts.
  • Don’t forget to click on the mortar and pestle to get the film.
  • The frame doesn’t have a photograph so find the pieces of the photo and put them together to look like the photo in the insert in hopes of a clue about the chief.

There is a chest that needs investigation so find all the objects and then click on the chest and pick up the spyglass.


  • You have run off again and hope you do not again encounter the natives.
  • Check out the curious box and pick up all the items.
  • You feel there is definitely something in the chest you must investigate.
  • You find what looks like torn up plans to an electrical generator so piece them together to get the solution shown in the right insert.
  • The water wheel needs to be attached to something according to the plans so you need to start with the base and collect a few things.
  • Time to attach the wheel so pick up its parts.
  • Connect the battery and you should be good to go but you need all those wires first.

You did it………the water is running, the wheel is turning and the radio has power so you have hope for a rescue.


  • Collect the firecrackers to make a signal device and be sure to collect the one from the basket shown in the insert.
  • Now you need to assemble the signal device.
  • Get the fire going by collecting all the elements necessary.
  • The fire is ready so now you need to light it – be sure to collect the straw in the box.
  • Create a distress signal.
  • Get the safety pin from the basket marked in green and check out the yellow marked basket again to get the needle and thread.

Time to send off the firecrackers.


  • Pirates come to rescue you but their boat is in need of repair – collect some tar to melt to help with the repair.

Cruise Ship Escape Game Cheats Codes

  • Melt the tar over the fire so that the repairs to the boat can be made.
  • Gather some wood for the repair as well as the melted tar.
  • You need some water for the journey so collect your supplies.
  • Collect the bananas to take along.

You decide you need to take the camera to prove you were there and maybe a couple other mementoes.


Norwegian Escape Cruise Ship

  • The pirates were grateful for help with their ship and talked about a possible Spanish treasure and said you would all go to the native village in the morning but you remembered your map so set out on your own.
  • Whoa, so close but you need to get over the stakes.
  • You need to get the ivy off the totem pole so pick up the rocks to scrape it off.
  • Now you need to start digging somewhere so collect something to help.
  • You decide you need to move the totem so more help is needed.

Drive A Cruise Ship Game

  • The totem moves and there is a hatch underneath that you need to clean off.
  • Once it is clean, click on it as shown by the question mark cursor in the insert so you can investigate.
  • There is a sphere underneath that needs to be lifted by the air currents.
  • Once you get farther up there are two paths you can take – just take whichever is easier according to where you are.
  • Keep clicking under the sphere to lift it up until it finally hits the red disk at the top.

Cruise Ship Escape Game Cheats Walkthrough


If you were looking for the hint word for The Cruise by Sharks Lagoon, you came to the right place! “The Cruise” is the latest game on their website, freshly taken from the Priv-box and offered for free to everyone. It presents the naughty adventures of Nanny and her husband Sir Edward, as well as the two beautiful girls Wendy and Cloe. If you are a big fan of Shark, you may already know all these characters from the game Nanny’s Day.

The four of them embark on a cruise in the Carribean sea and you can expect a lot of interesting and provocative scenes in the classical style of Shark. And as usual, there is also a secret word, one that will show you exactly where to click next in case you get stuck.

Cruise Ship Games Free

We won’t keep you waiting no more…the hint word for The Cruise by Sharks Lagoon is “trip”. Simply type trip in the game and you will see where to click next. In case you need to click and drag, you will also see an yellow arrow pointing the direction to drag. Have fun and enjoy this great game!