- Gameshark Cheat Codes Ps3
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This page contains Gameshark cheat codes for Star Wars Trilogy: Apprentice of the Force (USA) (En,Fr,Es). If you're playing on an emulator you can usually input codes very easily by accessing a tab off the top of the toolbar. Anyone playing on a physical Gameboy will need to purchase a physical Gameshark device to use these codes. Star Wars Trilogy: Apprentice Of The Force Completion bonus Successfully complete the game to unlock the level selection option, that also includes a bonus level. Star Wars Trilogy: Apprentice of the Force for GBA cheats - Cheating Dome has all the latest cheat codes, unlocks, hints and game secrets you need. Star Wars: Apprentice of the Force Cheats and Cheat Codes, Gameboy Advance. We need your cheats! Do you have cheats you can contribute? Please see cheats other people need. Displaying cheats for Game Boy Advance Star Wars Trilogy: Apprentice of the Force. Pro Action Replay codes. 8E370EBC (M) Must Be On. Submitted by ventureman. Infinite Force Power.

Cheat Codes
Gameshark Cheat Codes Ps3
Enter any of the following cheat codes for the desired effect.(supplied by: JesiahCarver)
Force Repulse
Enter 'MAREK' as a code to unlock Force Repulse.
White Lightsaber Crystal (Wisdom)
Enter 'SOLARI' as a code to unlock the White Lightsaber Crystal (Wisdom), which grants more Force Points for enemy kills.
Boba Fett Costume
Enter 'MANDALORE' as a code to unlock the Boba Fett costume.
Dark Apprentice Costume
Enter 'VENTRESS' as a code to unlock the Dark Apprentice costume.

Sith Acolyte Costume
Enter 'HAAZEN' as a code to unlock the Sith Acolyte costume.
Stormtrooper Costume
Enter 'TK421' as a code to unlock the Stormtrooper costume.
Terror Trooper Costume
Enter 'SHADOW' as a code to unlock the Terror Trooper costume.
Enter 'YARAEL' as a code to unlock Mindtrick
Saber Throw
Enter 'TRAYA' as a code to unlock Saber Throw.
Dark Green Saber Crystal (Healing)
Enter 'LIBO' as a code to unlock the Dark Green Healing Saber Crystal.
Jumptrooper Costume
Enter 'AJP400' as a code to unlock the Jumptrooper costume.
Nemoidian Costume
Enter 'GUNRAY' as a code to unlock the Nemoidian costume.
General Kota Costume
Enter 'RAHM' as a code to unlock the General Kota costume.
Rebel Commando Costume
Enter 'SPECFORCE' as a code to unlock the Rebel Commando costume.
Rebel Soldier Costume
Enter 'REBELSCUM' as a code to unlock the Rebel Soldier costume.
Apprentice Of The Force Game Shark Cheat Codes For Final Fantasy Iv
Saber Guard Costume
Enter 'MORGUKAI' as a code to unlock the Saber Guard costume.
Scout Trooper Costume
Enter 'HARPER' as a code to unlock the Scout Trooper costume.
Sith Training Droid Costume
Enter 'HOLODROID' as a code to unlock the Training Droid costume.
Experimental Jedi Armor Costume
Enter 'NOMI' as a code to unlock the Good Apprentice costume.